Thursday, 1 January 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what will 2009 bring for us all?

After a rather colourful evening welcoming in the new year with friends, piles of post-evening washing up now drying and a short walk around the block, I am ready to put my feet up with one of my Christmas reads - the first one off the pile is The Lollipop Shoes by Joanne Harris. I have wanted to read this for absolutely ages and would have added it to my 07 Christmas list had it been out in paperback. But alas it wasn't, and I have a bit of a thing about hardbacks, so I've had to wait a whole year! I can hardly put it down. I have to confess to picking it up when I went to bed at 2:30 this morning...ahem. I only managed to get away with it because Mr M had fallen asleep on the sofa and wasn't moving. He finally came to bed at 10am. Yes, 10am!

What a year it's been, and what a year 2009 promises to be. The list of resolutions is almost finished. My world is so full of question marks, I almost don't know where to begin. As a starter for ten - knitting needles, job application forms and a nice cup of tea.

Happy New Year!


  1. A nice cup of tea - now that's my kind of resolution!!! t.xx

  2. Looks like you had a great time seeing in the new year. (Is that a packet of Nurofen in one of the photos?!) Hope 2009 erases some of those question marks.

  3. Ha ha - well spotted! I have to confess however to not having a hangover but suffering from the lurgy - Neurofen cold and flu seemed to be the only thing that could cut through the snot!
