Sunday 17 August 2014

A dash of Heath Robinson

Hope you've had a lovely weekend. Thought I'd share our own Heath Robinson drainage system with you for amusement. It has three buckets to catch the drips. The builders were finally able to add the resin roof coating on Friday in readiness for the skylight tomorrow (fingers and toes crossed, people!), which left the house smelling like a glue factory. Mr M flew away on business and Miss P was popped in the cattery for safe keeping. I had a delightful breakfast with Dr and Mrs B with their incredible views of Hampton Court Palace. I finally watched Bridesmaids. I played with my iPhone - very excited about tweeting. I read both the Saturday and Sunday papers. I spoke to my parents. I hoovered and dusted for the umpteenth time. I dried the laundry on the line until the sheets were stiff with sunlight and fresh air. I spotted the killer spider who lives in the conservatory - and is huge - I refuse to eat at the table until he/she has been encouraged out. And I ate handfuls of Mr M's heritage tomatoes for lunch and dinner. 

What did you get up to? 

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