Sunday 16 January 2022

My resolution this year - me

Whether it's becoming a mother, a midult, the pandemic or just general overwhelm, I have, over the last decade, lost me. The years focused on trying to become a family and the subsequent rollercoaster that is motherhood. Pushed out of the role I loved, one I'd worked tirelessly for by a new boss who tried to use my second pregnancy as an excuse and when thwarted put up as many blockers as she could on my return. I had no fight left, quietly I acquiesced and moved sideways into a secondment I'd hustled. My self-esteem had plummeted. I now look back and wonder how I ever did that role, why anyone ever thought I was worthy of that position. Imposter syndrome has settled in like a comfort blanket. 

Put simply - I've lost my identity. And it's time to do something about it if I want my children to be proud of me.

1. Dry January - far tougher than I thought it was going to be but a much needed circuit-breaker to the daily wine o'clock. 14 days and counting. 

2. Daily planning and goal setting - I've always tried to leave planning and goals to the world of work, but if I want any progress to be made on the house and on myself then embracing it at home is the only way forward. We'll just ignore the week lost to Covid...

3. Getting creative - I miss being creative. I miss the art direction of my old role, the copy writing, the autonomy. Rather than brood, I need to make time for it at home. Writing on here is a start. Picking up a pen and writing real letters another. I've the bones of a children's book that I want to do. Sketching. Researching. I'm attempting my first quilt this month.   

4. Movement - I don't move. Have barely done so since the pandemic started. For me, working part-time makes it harder to justify time away from the desk. That said, once a week I do get a joyous hour to myself in the daylight hours when A is at gymnastics, 60 glorious minutes to walk along the Thames towpath. And I have a brand new Bamford yoga mat from Mr M which is calling out to be used. I just need to make the time - and manage diaries with Mr M.

5. Self - after years of following Anna Mathur and listening to her podcasts, I bought her book Know Your Worth last Autumn. Naturally, like all of my non-fiction books, it's sat on the side table looking pretty. So, last night I finally bought and downloaded her 3 courses - The Week on Worth, Reframing Anxiety and People Pleasing. I'm started The Week on Worth and am finding it so insightful and, most importantly, helpful. 

These are just a few of the things I'm quietly making time for. To become stronger. To feel like me again. 


  1. I'm really impressed - I was a lot older before I realised that I needed to invest in myself - it makes me sad to think of all those wasted years. So don't be me - get on now and be you!

    One thing I have learned is that I am too depleted by the Christmas and New Year cooking marathon to start anything strenuous in January. I concentrate on sleep, regaining normal non-chocolate diet, sunlight exposure and other recuperation strategies. I also break my resolutions down into monthly challenges because thirty days seems a manageable target and I can look back and see progress.

    Good luck and don't forget to enjoy the journey.

    1. Thank you Alice - wonderful words of wisdom as always. It's time. Recuperation is the perfect word for the month of January. I've broken Dry January twice so far - O teetering on the does he/doesn't he have Covid this past weekend proved too much of a test. The monthly challenge is great advice. The weekly goal setting is definitely helping tick things off the list that previously languished in a notebook out of sight and mind xx
