Monday, 21 May 2012

As we were house hunting...

...the clematis plug plant put on an astonishing display...
...and Miss P got the hump...she quite likes the garden thank-you-very-much (look at those perfectly aligned front paws - aren't they brilliant! I know - cat lady alert - but really, they are brilliant).


  1. I have a cat who looks not unlike yours called Rainbow who has the neatest paws ever to the point of fastidious. She also has a proud lion look, a teacosy look and can look at bit sphinxy at times.Cat lady alert doesn't really cover it.......

    1. Rainbow is lovely - I remember you getting her (and her epic journey to the Isle of Wight). Torties are apparently rather particular. We think Miss P has moments of Owl, Fox and Bat about her. She also has a worried look and currently a never-ending supply of fur balls...
