Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Wisley's wild meadow

We spent a delightful couple of hours at Wisley on Friday. Mr M knows Wisley far better than I. Now that we live just down the road, I'm hoping that I too will get to know my way around the grounds.

To be honest, I have no idea how we ended up by the wild meadow - we'd started at the test beds, waded through the orchards, climbed the mound, avoided the glasshouse and somehow stumbled across this delightful bed of bobbing colour, a-buzz with honey bees. A little patch of summer that hadn't yet gone to seed.


  1. That's so pretty (even Mr P leaning over me in bed to get a look thought it!) - perfect desktop wallpaper for September! x

  2. I would have ended up in this meadow as well!... So pretty...
