Sunday, 15 January 2017


Flowers - having fresh flowers in the house is a real antidote to the gloom outside. My first bunch of Bloomon flowers from Mr M are still going strong on the butchers block in the kitchen, whilst these sumptuous anemones were a couldn't-help-myself purchase from my local M&S. I've always been a sucker for anemones and ranunculus at this time of year, although the latter is phenomenally expensive around these parts.

Air - I've fallen out of step with our daily walks of late but the walk along the river on Monday was bracing and brief and so very needed. It blew away many of the cobwebs that had settled in over Christmas and reminded me how much I like being outside, and how much I like walking with friends. All the more so because soon enough I'll be back in an office ruing the time I could have been spending outside.

Scent - I'm finally lighting the lovely candles that I've received as gifts over the last year or so. I'd been squirrelling them away until rooms were decorated. They smell divine. I seem to have developed a leaning towards geranium and citrus. So sharp and fresh.

Produce - this weaning lark really is quite boring. I'm not going to lie. So much chopping and washing up. It does however mean that the fridge is stocked with lots of fresh fruit and veg. You would think that this, coupled with the usual new year mantras, would have me eating really healthily. I'm still on my sugar fix - I'm blaming/using the excuse of breastfeeding. My daily biscuit eating competition has reduced significantly (the bourbon biscuit/custard cream sales will be significantly down as a result) but I'm not yet ready to say no to a slab of cake in a cafe or a mini magnum.


  1. I have a bunch of tulips in front of my as I type and they make me happy everytime I glance up...

    1. Tulips are just wonderful at this time of year. A vase of promise.

  2. Am still on my sugar-fix and my youngest is 18: really must make (more of) an effort to reduce!
    Lovely to see you back here.

    1. Thank you - it's lovely to be back. I've so enjoyed having an excuse to use my camera again.
