Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Incy wincy spider

Look at this whopper. He was loitering above the bed. He stayed there all day. I was secretly hoping he would leave on his own accord until I realised that he might go South into the bed.
So into the whisky glass he went.
Look at how furry his legs are. They're almost as bad as mine.
I don't think I've ever seen such a large spider. Needless to say he was relocated down the garden...


  1. We have huge spiders in our house, I hate spiders I really do, so these bad boys are not welcome what so ever. Luckily my husband is perfectly friendly with all sorts of creepy crawlies so they never get squished!

  2. Eeek! I have had some pretty large visitors lately but that one is simply enormous, makes me shiver!

  3. Oh gosh...that is a HUGE spider. I'm glad that you moved him to the garden where he belongs...he is probably thankful too. :-)

  4. Hell fire. That's made me uncontrollably shiver. Mega spider.

  5. Oh my god - no way would I let that stay in the bedroom!!

  6. Loving the spider - and the fact you didn't kill him and found him a nice home outside! xxx Oh and the yoga sounds great - love the fact the cat wants to get involved too! hee hee!

  7. i'm being tortured by huge spiders! i have now boycotted the downstairs loo entirely- i can't pee while i'm watched...

  8. Incy wincy? LOL. We have a lot of those around my house... And they jump. :P
