Sunday, 6 October 2013

Apple loaf cake

We've got so many windfalls. All of the eaters have fallen but the bramley tree remains laden. We've been slowly working our way through the ones that are salvageable. Mr M made some marvellous chutney yesterday. We made the pork and apple dish from one of the Abel & Cole cookbooks and a large vat of stewed apple and boozy sultanas. And I made this apple loaf cake.
Brilliantly the apple chunks and sultanas didn't drop to the bottom - I'm assuming because the butter and flour are blitzed into fine crumbs instead of creaming the butter and sugar, and then adding the flour. I split the mix between two tins and opted for a dusting of demerara sugar instead of the crumble topping. Delicious with a dollop of ice cream. It will be just perfect with an afternoon cup of tea.


  1. The cake looks fab. Unfortunately I have a husband with a hatred of all forms of cooked fruit since school days. *sigh* I suppose I could make one just for myself......

  2. Delicious! I made it and used your recommendation for the topping. It is nearly all gone so I might have to try another recipe to see if it is even better!
