Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Our herb bed - before and after

From this…
…to this. 
Creeping thyme and camomile, lemon balm, rock hyssop, feverfew and garlic chives, Allium christophii, verbena bonariensis, winter jasmine, a climbing white rose and a few other little bits and bobs to fill in the gaps. 


  1. Your garden looks fantastic.Watch out for the lemon balm though, it's a total thug and will take over the entire neighbourhood if you don't keep an eye on it.

    1. Thank you! Yes - in hindsight should perhaps have planted it in the pot...

  2. Completely agree about the lemon balm...also my feverfew grows to be really substantial and overshadows what is next to it...and self seeds which is lovely. I think this is looking just fantastic and so healthy.You'll be giving gifts to friends next year with all of the life bursting out of this space.

    1. Thank you - had completely forgotten how big feverfew gets. It may find itself being hoiked out and popped at the back of the bed. Seems to be attracting black fly unfortunately. Thoroughly enjoying nipping out and snipping for evening meals!

  3. That is beautiful! Also agree on the lemon balm and the same for mint. Fabulous plants both but bent on world domination.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth - and yes, world domination - a little like the ants…!

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  5. I love this post - it is always delightful to see other people's Before and Afters. I was interested to see your Allium - it is the first year that I have grown them and I see that the leaves go brown and shrivelled in your garden too so it is not a sign of neglect or incompetence on my part. That's one thing off my mind!
